one is from back when dumping toxic waste into the ocean was still
considered cool. And of course, with all the human skeletal remains on the
ocean floor, it's bound to take a turn for the worse, in...
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Just look at this kooky bastard. Would you like a peanut? |
The Horror ofParty Beach (1964)
about the movie
feature has mitigating factors and extenuating factors up the
proverbial wazoo. On the mitigating side, it's from 1964 and is thus
the oldest entry so far. Ok, it's only been 6 movies including this,
but it's still 50 years old, which is more years than most of the people
reading this have lived. The extenuating circumstances aren't, per
se, the movie's fault. I could only find one version of this movie,
and that was the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version. For those of
you who aren't familiar with Mystery Science Theater 3000, or MST3K
for short, don't panic. It's entirely stupid, as you may or may not
have already guessed. It's basically a little show spun around
various old and crappy movies. The idea is, that a guy is being
chased across the galaxy by a mean woman (the reason for this isn't
explained, and that's probably for the best) who forces him and his
two robot companions to watch shitty movies.
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They managed to play decently, considering they weren't plugged in. |
a stupid little theme tune intro sequence, and a few scripted, and
extremely unfunny, scenes involving the lady doing something stupid,
or this guy and his robots doing something equally stupid, MST3K
basically means, that we (you and I) are treated to silhouettes of
this Mike dude and his two robotic sidekicks at the bottom of our
screen. Covering probably a fourth of the movie screen. Throughout
the movie. And as if that wasn't enough, we are also treated to a
host of stupid comments, most of which are either too stupid or too
obscure to find amusing. A few times they made some funny observations,
but most of it just drowned in a vast ocean of lame puns and stupid
so that isn't really a lot of info about the movie itself, but this
MST3K shit just made an already stupid movie even worse. And the
worst part is, this movie isn't in the Bottom 100 because of MST3K.
That's just an added bonus that I can't circumvent. Oh the humanity.
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How any insanely lame fight should end. You won the girl fair and square. |
What the fuck
is it about even?
plot here is actually pretty basic (I know. I was surprised too).
Some kids have fun at the beach, while some other kids dump some
barrels of toxic waste directly into the sea. A barrel floats to
the bottom of the sea and hits a rock, causing the tiny lid on the
nozzle, to come lose. Toxic waste starts spilling into the water, and
ends up covering a skull and some bones that are vicariously strewn
across the ocean floor. It's really unfortunate, because this toxic
waste happens to have re-animation qualities, and a sea monster is born
fully formed. The monster makes its way to the surface, and starts
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The kind of shit they stuck in between segments of the movie. Do you think this is a motherfucking game? |
movie opens with Hank and his girlfriend Tina driving to the beach.
Tina is obviously a frivolous skank, made apparent when she waves at
a bunch of bikers they pass, to Hank's distress. You just don't wave to bikers! It's obvious that
things aren't as peachy between Hank and
Tina, because an argument breaks out as soon as they are at the
beach. Hank's all caught up in his work at the university, and Tina
wants to have fun and dance. It's the age old problem between man and
woman. Tina storms into the happy throng of what is supposed to
be partying teenagers, and starts getting jiggy with it to music played by a
quartet of extremely Beach Boy looking preppy dudes. Meanwhile a
bemused Hank wanders aimlessly about, and runs into Elaine who he
apparently knows. Just as you'd think things couldn't get any worse
for Hank, the bikers arrive and their leader almost immediately gets
a hard on for Tina, who eagerly flirts back. Damn dames, you just
can't trust them! A fight breaks out between Hank and the gang
leader over Tina, that Hank wins. They then shake hands. Just like in real life.
Tina, now finally understanding that she had totally wronged Hank with all her having fun, swims out to sea where she perches herself on a rock, only to
become the first victim of an aspiring sea monster.
scene cuts to a police car pulling up at a house in the suburbs, and
some official looking people exiting it, to speak to a balding guy
who is smoking a pipe. Elaine, who is apparently the pipe smoking
man's daughter, and whose lines are inexplicably dubbed, joins in,
and through dialogue it becomes apparent, that this scene takes place
several days after the beach scene, because it is the day of Tina's
funeral. Elaine is in love with Hank, or at least has feelings of an
unknown nature for Hank, but his girlfriend was just murdered by a
weird otherworldly entity, so she doesn't quite know if now's the
time to make a move. Her father jovially sympathizes. He turns out to
be the local university's top scientist, or something, and Hank's boss! It's
unclear how he is affiliated with the University, where Hank is
supposed to be studying or working. Almost everybody in the movie are played
off as college students, but it's clear that most of them are at
least in their late 20s, if not older. So that's a little funky.
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Gang warfare has come a long way. A LONG way. |
up on the victim list is a slumber party of girls. Those were popular
in the sixties already. Elaine was supposed to join them, but didn't
want to go, because Tina was murdered. That's as good a reason as
any, I guess. Her father doesn't think it's a good enough cause to be
rude however, and makes her call the slumber party to say she isn't coming.
This is a really weird scene, because honestly who gives a fuck if
she called them. It's the sixties, I guess. You should always call
and let people know you aren't coming. Luckily for Elaine, the
monster chose this very night to raid the slumber party, killing
everybody. Only, at this point there were two identical monsters.
Whether the monster had mastered on the fly cell division, or if the
toxic waste was putting out a continuing stream of fresh monsters, I
don't know. But where the slumber party girls expected guys from the
local fraternity to crash their party, monsters made of rotting and
decaying human remains decided to barge in and kill everything in stead. Boy, that escalated quickly. Some of the girls were taken back to a body of water,
however, as a way of perhaps honoring them.
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"Monsters are rampantly killing in my little town? I best nip off for some alone time!" |
sets off a montage of monster related incidents combined with news
paper headlines spinning onto the screen in time honored fashion. We
see several people brutally murdered by the monsters, who by now
count dozens, and cut to the lab of our pipe smoking man. He has been
working tirelessly, with Hank, to figure out just what the fuck is
going on with these monsters. Fortunately, a monster, passing by a
shopping window, has managed to cut off its own arm on broken glass,
trying to reach for a mannequin it had fallen in love with.
Nonplussed, they examine this severed arm, and can't for the life of
them figure out what's causing all this ruckus, when the colored
house maid Eulabelle, played by a woman aptly named Eulabelle,
accidentally spills a sodium saturated glass of water on it. The arm
burst into explosive flames, and evaporates in a cloud of smoke. The solution is found!
It was sodium this whole time.
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They took a break from practical jokes and pillow fighting, to sing women liberation tunes. |
all there is left, is to use a cunning method to figure out which
body of water houses the monsters, because apparently they migrated
between lakes. Also, the fact that sodium is both the method with
which to kill the monsters, and a major chemical element of salt
water leads me to believe, that the sea the monster came from wasn't
actually a sea, but a huge ass lake. Also, Hank will need to acquire
a large amount of sodium, and is not happy to find, that all their
local chemical compound dealers are fresh out of sodium. He needs to
take a one hour drive to Manhattan, where a chemical dealer is able
to supply him with an abundance of sodium (turns out to be about a
bucket's worth). We are treated to a sight seeing tour of Manhatten,
spanning from the Guggenheim in the Upper
East Side, all the way to Greenwich Village and various other
locations. Seems like Hank is taking his sweet time.
decides now is the perfect time for her to go out on her own, to the
local quarry, which doubles as the only place Pipe smoking scientist
dude hasn't checked yet. Of course shit starts hitting the fan in a
big hurry at the quarry, and it's a race against time for Hank. Pipe
dude takes out one monster, and starts a fist right with another.
He's almost out for the count, when Hank shows up with the police and
they handle matters efficiently, with the bucket of sodium. Hank and
Elaine start dating, Eulabelle is pleased that her master's daughter
is seeing somebody nice and clean, and the pipe fella will recover
from his bad burns within a week. All is well that ends well.
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This is where feminism had its foundation laid! |
Is it actually
that bad, or are you just a pussy?
movie wasn't that bad, really. It's predictable and fairly boring and
of course filled with gaping plot holes and continuity errors. I
doubt many of the movies found on this B100 list will deviate from
this trodden path. This movie, being from 1964, had a historic
quality to it that I found somewhat interesting. We see Eulabelle,
the colored maid, who is pretty stereotypical of a colored house maid
of the time; superstitious (voodoo is her way of explaining the
monsters), naïve in the ways of the world, simple minded but good
hearted. She just wants her master to live well. Also, there are
quite a lot of sexual innuendo throughout the movie. It's from 1964,
so the sexual revolution hadn't quite come about yet, but this movie
has a lot of skin (not nudity, but skimpy outfits and bikinis). And
we are also treated to both slumber party girls singing women
liberation songs AND a trio of women who are changing their own flat
tire. I don't know if all of this is just coincidental or if the
director is trying to send a message: women are people too, just like you and me! Whatever
the case, the message lingers between women as independent and
assertive, and women as sex objects who aren't able to keep up with
harshness of the world.
course, I might just be reading too much into it. The MST3K comments
and gags were extremely annoying, and since it's apparently actually a
TV show, we also had commercial breaks and intermissions throughout.
Not actual commercial breaks, but indications of when they were going
to be there, with little animations. I don't know who thought of this Mystery Science shit,
but I bet he never actually watched any of it. Lazy fucker. I'll try and make
an effort in the future, to steer clear of the MST stuff. It just
isn't worth it.
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Yes massa, I most surafiably do say, voodoo I says. Voodoo! |
Why is this
something that exists?
movies is a genre that goes way back. Dracula, Monster of
Frankenstein and The Mummy are all characters we've seen reinvented
time and time again to varying degrees of success. Of course a good fright is something almost universally
loved. Also, writing a monster movie, it turns out, isn't too hard.
The monster scenes write themselves, because there usually isn't
dialogue involved. And everything around those scenes is basically
just the director yelling action, and letting people prance about doing whatever
comes natural. Why it still ends up looking anything but natural, is
anybody's guess.
Stephen King cites this movie as one of his favorites, which begs the
question: Is Stephen King so astute a horror observer, that he sees
something I don't? Granted, Stephen King has a lot of horror stories
floating around in his wake, and I'd lie if I claimed I was better
than him when it came to appreciating horror. But this movie is
anything but good. It's not god awful, I'll concede that. But
favorite? Not at all. It has a sort of dumb charm I guess, kind of
like a friend you don't particularly like but still keep around
because of that one Jack Nicholson impression he/she can do
brilliantly. Would you want to see it all the time? Fuck no. But it's
nice to have seen it, and laugh about it with friends.
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A look we all know. When you're fed up with a dull boyfriend and just want to dance and have forbidden fun! |
You certainly
have a lot of hate. Could you do better?
think I could match The Horror of Party Beach, yes. Most of the
actors, if you wanna use such a strong word, in this flick have gone
on to do, well, pretty much absolutely nothing at all. For most of
them, this was a one off deal. The director made a few other flicks,
and actually died last February (that's 2013 if you aren't reading
this right now (which is 2014)). So what
went into making this? The script could almost certainly be churned
out in a few hours, and according to IMDb, shooting this took 3
weeks. No scenes involved anything really complicated, so I think
it's safe to say, that most people could produce a movie on par with
a few of their ideas are decent enough. At one point two cars are
supposed to ram into each other, but because they didn't have money
for the crash to actually happen, they had the cars sort of drive up
close to one another. I had read this before watching the movie, but
it still looked somewhat convincing. Ok, it wasn't a huge head on
collision, but more a small fenderbender type crash. Even so, I
thought it was decent. So for the amount of money they had, I guess some aspects of the production weren't too shitty.
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Both of these are supposed to portray college kids. Hank and Elaine! |
Fuck off, bro!
You can’t convince me there isn’t one redeeming thing about this!
gotta go with the, at this point, only really consistent redeeming
fact: there were some nice looking people in this movie. Ok, like I
described earlier, it has an interesting view into the 60s and how the
world was viewed then. And there was the car crash too. But the
monster make up/costume was abhorrent. I mean, it was really crappy.
Just awful. The acting was wooden and felt forced. And what's with dubbing
one actress' lines throughout the movie? Did she do the dubbing
herself later, or was it somebody else? Nobody knows.
It's kind of a standard monster movie, and I suppose you could enjoy it for
what it's worth. I admit I am not predisposed to love monster flicks.
In fact, I always found them kind of boring and uninteresting. The
Blob or Creatures From Outer Space. That sort of thing never rang my
little bell. So obviously I wouldn't enjoy this particular aspect of
Horror Beach. But if you were predisposed, and if you did enjoy other
genre movies, then I'm sure you'd be able to find points in this
movie, that you'd enjoy. The director was scared his movie wouldn't
work, and was surprised by its huge success. I can't find any numbers
on this huge success claim, but perhaps it was successful back then. Who knows.
Stephen King probably would've paid money to go watch it. Perhaps he
DID pay to see it. I certainly wouldn't pay anything to spend an hour
and 17 minutes in the company of The Horror of Party Beach!
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"Oh Hank! I am so glad your former girlfriend was brutally murdered not one week ago. Kiss me!" |
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