Movies inspired by, and
infused by, music. They seem like the perfect idea on paper. You get a
movie. Cool. People like movies. And you get music. That's cool.
People like music also. Why, then, does it only rarely work out
positively? Where does it trip and fall? In this case, everywhere. It
becomes so pointless and half assed, you even forget to not give a
fuck half way through. You are just sitting there, idly watching
images flicker by, hoping that you can disband this emotional funk
you've been lulled into, once it's over. If you still care enough to
read on, tonight we are dealing with...
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Giancarlo laying down some truth, yo! |
Feel the Noise (2007)
I've a hard time with
movies that are chiefly driven by music or a musician. Once in a blue
moon it works, like Searching for Sugar Man, or I'm not there. But
with those movies, the music and the musician in question were both
interesting, for various reasons. Nobody in this flick is interesting
in any way whatsoever. This is a coming of age story, and it really
does have the basis for an interesting development. But for some
reason it just never really crosses that magic threshold from dull as
shit to interesting and thought provoking. It's hard to put a finger
on a specific element, because they all lack in quality. The acting
was, generally, pretty abysmal and subpar. I didn't connect with any
of the characters. Admittedly I don't expect to after 20 odd movies
from this list. But still, it would be nice to be pleasantly
surprised once in a while. This was just drab. One little character
managed to light up a tiny portion of the movie, but even that wasn't
enough to keep the whole thing afloat. And his light was only bright
enough based on his other roles. Otherwise I feel that he, too, would
have been entirely forgettable.
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But mooooooom... I don't wanna go to Puerto Rico! |
In this particular hunk
of goat doo, we follow young Rob Vega, an up and coming or perhaps
just wannabe rapper from Bronx. We aren't treated to a whole big
setup of his character, as we are in the movie Fresh or that other
one with 2Pac (Juice it was called. I just remembered). We basically
learn, that he lives with his mother, and that things are pretty
standard ghetto shitty. It's all very blah blah if you should happen
to ask me. He seems like he's really sleepy all the time, this Rob
dude. I know it's an attitude that's common in that particular
milieu, and he's supposed to come off as quietly aloof while
simultaneously haunted by the state of his surroundings, but due to
lack of acting or whatever, it comes off as just sleepy and dozy. I
don't know about you guys, but I'm not a fan of this particular
attitude. I recently completely a school assignment with a dude who
employed this attitude, and it's really hard to work with. Like
nothing really matters. I'm all for not giving a shit, but mostly, or
exclusively when it concerns stuff in your own life. If you are
involved in an effort that other people rely on, you give at least a
small fuck. That's just how I was raised I suppose. But, alas, I am
straying further and further off point here. Like any other teenager
out there, Rob Vega was threatened on his life, repeatedly. You're
loafing along, minding your own damn business and all of a sudden
you're mixed up in a massive gang war. So to make a long and boring
story shorter, albeit equally boring, Rob Vega's mom gets scared,
says he's living with his estranged dad in Puerto Rico far far south
of Bel Air.
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C.C. getting sassy in the car. She's such a joker, you guys! |
Rob goes to Puerto Rico
and bunks with his dad, who is married to some lady. A nice lady, as
it happens. Now I didn't quite catch whether they had a kid together,
or if she had a kid from a previous marriage. I could've skipped back
a bit, but the remote was several inches to my left, and I couldn't
muster the energy to pick it up. Anyway, another kid is living in the
house too, and is the same age as Rob, so it stands to reason that
he's related to at least one of the grown ups. He introduces Rob to
reggaeton, a mix between reggae, hip hop and the inherently latin
beats of Puerto Rico. Rob is immediately enticed, and he and this
kid, that I believe is called Nodde, starts jamming together,
creating sick beats and ill rhymes like it was nineteen ninety
fucking nine. They are joined by the girl C.C. who desperately wants
to become a dancer. Together they start rocking it out like regular
champs on the Puerto Rico scene. Eventually they get mixed up in some
gang shit in Puerto Rico as well, because you can take the kid out of
the streets but you can't take the streets out of the kid. Or some
similar bullshit. And when the trouble he is in starts endangering
his pops, Rob knows shit has hit the fan again. It's time to return
to the Bronx, like fucking masters, and reclaim the throne that was
never his to begin with. So he does, along with C.C. and the dude
possibly named Nodde. They hook up with some hot shot producer,
hoping their big break is just around the corner. But it turns out,
that corner is still far off. The producer is really only after C.C.
panties, and totally could give a fuck about Rob and
Noddewhateverhisnameis, because she's totally hot and they are
totally just normal fucknuggets with no talent. I mean, him trying to
rape her isn't that cool of a thing to do, but he totally called it
on the musical duo. They were shit. Depressed, Rob and Nodde wander
the streets, and just as things are at their absolutely bleakest,
they run into some shitkicker from Puerto Rico. He was involved in a
gang hit in Puerto Rico, and Rob and Noddewasit? Helped him out of a
tight spot. So he feels like he owes them. He has already made it in
the biz, he is in town for Puerto Rico day and he totally hooks them
up, and they catch their big break. Happy ending all around. Yay.
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Nodde I think his name is, mixing up some sick beats on the old laptop. |
I don't know if you
picked it up during the previous two paragraphs, but this movie was,
or is, insanely boring. It walks the fine line between being hate
inducing and being an acceptable watch. And it's that weird no-man's
land that's really enervating. I watched this movie, and at no point
was I entertained. I was bored from the first minute, and what's
more, I really disliked everything I saw, but not enough so that I
was annoyed. It drained all emotion from my already fragile mind. I
rarely turn off movies I've started, or bail out in the middle of
anything. I'm kind of stubborn like that, I guess, and I hate giving
up. Hence this blog. But man, I would've probably quit this one, if I
hadn't felt a weird sense of commitment to you guys. See what you're
making me do? I'm miserable here! Watching crappy movies, and for
what? So you lot can sit in your comfy chairs, with a stupid smirk on
your prepubescent faces? What has my life come to? I don't even know
anymore. But I champion on. Because your approval is everything that
matters now. Love me. PLEASE JUST LOVE ME!
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"So we agreed. Just the tip, right?" |
Alright, I think it's
pretty apparent by now, that there is very little to say about this
movie, that goes beyond 'I was so bored watching it, I almost forgot
to breathe'. Like I mentioned earlier, this was a coming of age
story. Rob is a kid in the Bronx, he has dreams that are shattered
when he gets in trouble. He is sent off to his estranged father in
another country (technically anyway), whom he at first resents for
not being the father he needed, but ultimately reconnects with in a
moment of need. He returns home, faces another hardship but triumphs
in the end. It's a tried and tested formula, that could have easily
worked. It did in countless other movies. But not in this one. I
think we can credit the director and cast for this failure to achieve
what they set out to. The director is an Argentinian named Alejandro
Chomski, no relation. His IMDb associated message boards consists of
3 posts, two of which hail him as the greatest Argentinian director
ever. I'll freely admit, I haven't seen any of his other works, so
I'm judging him based solely on this particular movie. And that
judgment is not for the faint of heart. It's hard to pinpoint exactly
where this travesty went wrong, but since the director is,
ultimately, the guy in charge (generalization, perhaps, but I think
we can agree that it's the director more so than others in the
majority of the cases) I'm gonna go ahead and hold him personally
responsible. The movie is just ball bouncingly dull and without
merit. This was, like many of the films on this Bottom 100 list, this
particular director's first feature film. There is something about
those debut flicks, isn't there?
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C.C. realized a dancing contract don't come cheap, and she wasn't up when it came time to pay the piper. |
As for the actors, they
were a wholly unmemorable lot. Except this one dude. I believe I
mentioned him earlier. Giancarlo Esposito, is his name. I knew him
from Fresh, also mentioned earlier. He played the main antagonist, a
charming but menacing drug dealer. He is more widely known from
Breaking Bad, where he is also the main antagonist, and, I believe,
one of the main reasons the series was elevated to the amount of
success it was. Walter and Jesse were both superb, but Gustavo Fring
was an awesome two-faced character. Giancarlo has a quiet demeanor to
him, that's pretty cool to watch, and easy to connect to. I like him
anyway. He did alright here, even if his role was small.
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Trouble is a-brewin' for out hero. Will he prevail? Nobody gave a shit. |
The main character is
played by a dude named Omarion Grandberry. Interesting last name. Not
interesting actor. Again, I haven't really seen him in anything else,
but from what I understand, he is a musician as well. Perhaps that's
the better career path, and he should definitely stick to that,
because if Feel the Noise is anything to go by, acting isn't a street
he should bother walking down. There was, or is, a little controversy
about the casting of Mr. Grandberry, because he is straight black,
and his dad, in the movie, was Puerto Rican and that's a problem to
many people, apparently. Because of race, right? I don't know. To be
honest, that was the least of this movie's problems. But I digress.
The rest of the cast struck me as being small specks of light in a
blur of nonsense. Nobody stands out. The music in this flick is
decent at first, but repetitive, and not in the good way. As a big
fan of electronic music, I'm a big fan of monotony and repetitiveness
generally, but this just went and took that to a whole new level.
They even manage to cock up a fairly decent reggae/hip-hop mix. I
can't imagine a target audience that would think this movie would be
badass. However, a quick visit by the movie's IMDb message boards,
tells me otherwise. Every effort on this list, has somebody defending
it (with the possible exception of Santa Claus conquers the
Martians). Overall, I wouldn't recommend this movie even to the dude
who keeps turning down the water temperature in my apartment block.
Sure I hate his guts, because a tepid shower is just beneath my
standards, but if he dies from boredom watching Feel the Noise, I'll
have a rotting corpse stinking up the place. And ain't nobody got
time for that!
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Giancarlo comes through what whaat? Is somebody cutting onions in here? |
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