What happens when an ancient cursed piñata meets a group of college kids hunting for underwear on a deserted
island? Fast paced action? Exciting moments of intense personal
development? Characters with depth and stories you can relate to?
Yes! And no! Mostly no, though. You CAN relate to some of these
characters, in as much as they look just as bored as you may very
well be feeling, if you happen to be watching...
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Look a thing!. Let's bash it with sticks! |
Demon Island (2002)
When a movie starts
appearing with differing titles left and right and center, you know something
is amiss. This movie is either Demon Island, Survival Island or
Piñata: Survival/Demon Island, depending on where you look and/or who you might be talking to at the time. What
this usually means is, it came out with one name that nobody had
bothered checking if was totally close to another, probably similarly
themed, film already out. So it was changed after the film came out,
in a bid to totally marginalize this movie. And of course, a stunt like that almost
never works. Mostly because nobody gave even the tiniest of fucks
about the success and well being of this flick. But also because once a movie is out with a certain
name, that name tends to stick, unless you have a massive
re-marketing campaign up and running. For the purpose of this review,
I'll go with the IMDb title, Demon Island. Both because it somewhat
fits the content of the film, but also because I totally don't care
what this immeasurable hunt of dog doo is labeled as. If it smells like shit and sticks to your fingers like shit, it's probably just good old fashioned fecal matter.
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On the right; the monster. Yeah. That's it. |
In Demon Island,
unsurprisingly, we are dealing with a demon on an island.
Surprisingly, however, the demon is given a relatively intricate
back story. The first few minutes of not at all precious screen time is spent on
explaining how this ancient demon came about through witchcraft of an
ancient tribal people, who channeled all the evil sinning spirits of
the tribal members into this here piñata doll, which was then pushed
off to sea. It was awesome for the tribe, because they totally lived a
happy and prosperous life after all the dirt and filth had been
shipped off. But they didn't stop to think that centuries later some
poor college kids might accidentally stumble on this doll of theirs,
and the proverbial shit might just begin hitting the equally proverbial fan. But I suppose they couldn't have
known. If they did know, it was a massive dick move. But I digress. The story
of the piñata was elaborate, if not necessarily interesting. But at
least they cared enough to put it in so we weren't treated to just a
monster inexplicably rampaging on a random island. Points for that.
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One third of the movie looked like this. Hilarious |
Cut to present day,
where 8 college kids are seen racing towards a tropical island in two
speed boats. They are drinking and laughing and generally having the
type of fun only college kids in movies can have. The kind where
nobody isn't laughing uncontrollably at everything, everybody is a
douchey jock or a hot girl, and copious amounts of alcohol is
ingested without anybody ever really being affected by it. They hit
the beach, and are met by two people, a dude and a chick, who are
judges and coordinators of a competition or game or something, set up
by their college. The dude judge is non other than Garrett Wang of
Star Trek: Voyager fame. I guess he just took whatever he could get,
after Voyager ended. The competition involves picking up 2500 pieces
of men's and women's underwear, that these two judges have scattered
around the island, which is actually kind of impressive. If nothing else, let it be said, that spreading 2500 pieces of undergarments around a tropical island is no easy feat. The 8
students (it was hard to believe they actually were students, but
what the hey right) are paired up, apparently across their fraternity
and sorority chapters, and cuffed together. Handcuffed. The two character I'd feel most comfortable naming leads in this movie, have recently
broken up, and there is tension between them from the word go. It's a he said she
said scenario apparently. Of course they are paired together,
and both decide to act like 5 year old mentally handicapped kids instead of understanding that basic cooperation is needed to advance in the competition.
Whoop de doo.
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Yay we are celebrating Mexico's national day by getting hammered and picking up underwear. How special for them. |
Everybody runs off to
collect underwear, and hit piñatas that are also scattered with the
underwear. The piñatas contain refreshments or alcohol (same thing),
so of course everybody would want to hit every single piñata in
sight. And that is, it quickly proves, their downfall, because our demon piñata is also
floating around the island, and as soon as one of the pairs find it
and start beating it up, the evil spirits are awoken and presently goes on a hate
induced rampage. Basically everything is by the book from that point
on. I can't say it was a good movie up until here, but at least it
moved along somewhat coherently albeit ridiculously. The piñata (man that word is
annoying to type) shifts from a relatively ugly but somewhat innocent
looking midget sized doll, to full on CG animated demon and slowly,
but surely kills off many of the students. Our leads end up taking a
stand, and manage to overcome hardships and prevail. The movie ends
very suddenly and on a pretty incomplete note, but I guess everybody
had stopped caring at that point, so I'll just go with it.
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Which doctor dude spreads joy through spirit exorcisms. |
I wasn't at any point
impressed with or engrossed in this movie. It was pretty run of the
mill like. The credits, I noticed, bore striking resemblance to the
font used in the game franchise Diablo. This suspicion was further
affirmed, when the piñata monster's CG counterpart bore striking
resemblance to Diablo himself. Apparently the monster in this movie
was originally just a little dude in a rubber suit, but it was deemed not scary
enough, so he was replaced with CG in post-production. Kudos for that
movie, at least, since it must've taken time and cost a pretty penny.
But alas it didn't really help that much, because it wasn't in any way
scary either. In fact, I'd wager, it was just as laughable after. At
least it shows a little effort. Too bad that effort is blindly
misguided. The acting corresponded nicely to the CG effects in as
much as it was completely unbelievable. In the female lead we see
Jamie Pressly, before she did My Name is Earl and I love you, man,
both of which I enjoyed quite a bit. I liked her back and forth with
Jon Favreau in I love you, man, and she was charming and amusing in My
name is Earl. She wasn't any of those things here. Devoid of charm,
even. She's playing the slightly scorned and perhaps too serious
college girl, but even in their inevitable make up kissing scene, she
still seems like she's profoundly bored and put off by the whole
thing. It rubs off, because I found myself mirroring those sentiments.
But perhaps I already felt that way, and she just shed light on it for me. The last actor mention goes to Eugene Byrd who you will most
likely know from 8 Mile, a movie he did the same year as this. I
might be naïve, but I always have this weird idea, that if you do a
movie that becomes pretty successful, and you do that well, chances
are higher that you'll be offered better roles in the future. But so
many people appearing in these crappy flicks bears witness to the
fact, that that isn't the case. Whether it's bad judgment on the
actor's part, or my theory just doesn't hold up I don't know for
sure. I'll go with both, just to be sure. Eugene also snuffed it by
the demon's hands, but at least he held out long enough to disprove
the theory, that the black dude always dies first.
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College kids in their natural habitat |
The directors of this
here flick is a brother duo by the name of Hillenbrand. They appeared
right at the end of the movie, and they looked just as wooden and
moronic as this picture would suggest them to be. It's hard to screw
up, when you have just one line in a movie, but they pulled that off with flying colors. Both
of them even. They also wrote Demon Island together, and it kind of makes
you think that they should've been separated at birth. They do not
make a strong team. After a quick glance over their respective IMDb
credits, it quickly becomes glaringly apparent, that this movie wasn't by far a
singular happening. They have quite a few project credits together,
most of which are lowly college type flicks or basic horror stuff.
One of the brothers, however, has been music coordinator on shows like Power
Rangers and X-Men animated series. I don't quite know what to make of
that, except that perhaps he should stick to doing that. I don't know
what a music coordinator does exactly (except coordinate music
duuuuh) and in what capacity he was coordinating music for the Power
Rangers. I never watched the show, so I don't have a lot to go on
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This fucking guy. Like seriously!? Totes. |
Demon Island could
possibly have been a decent flick, if a little more effort had been
put into acting. We already know the concept is going to be kind of
lame, because it's a fucking piñata killing people collecting
underwear. But if the acting had been more convincing, my disbelief
could've been suspended a little more, and we might've had a more
interesting flick on our hands. The fact that 1/3 of the movie was
seen through the eyes of the monster, didn't help. It was a weird
look, sort of made to resemble Predator, which is fair because
Predator is the fucking shit, but it was used way too much here, and
quickly became annoying. Also, and this is nitpicking I know, every
time we were watching the monster and cut to a new angle, which
happened a lot to mask the shitty CG as much as possible, we were
treated to a frame of bright white light. Like a flash. From a
camera. If you're anything like me, you're super awesome, speaks 5
languages and used to have a dog named Gertrud. But more importantly,
you are also usually watching movies on a projector in a dark room.
When in a dark room, science tells me, my eyes adjust to said
darkness. When that has happened, having bright lights thrown at me
every other second, is wildly annoying. It happened enough for me to
notice it and be annoyed. Points off, Mr. and Mr. Hillenbrand. For
those of you keeping score at home, the points are well into the
negative by now. And for those rookie readers out there, points
aren't meant to be in the negative. That's bad.
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These guys are responsible. Write them strongly worded letters please. Make this shit end. |
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