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This is the opening shot. Can you blame me for being pissed off right away? This is inside his mother's womb. What the fuck? |
Why Carrot Top ever rose to any level of fame is really hard for me to grasp. Lots of people have achieved some kind of public recognition, and there are many of them I’m curious why other people, at any point, found funny. None more so, however, than Carrot Top. I don’t know if they have Least Funny Person contests, but if they do, Carrot Top should win in absentia. Every time. More infuriating is it to see the amount of quasi famous people he somehow rallied to his cause for this film. When I watched this cack, I kept thinking “Omg it’s… that guy!” or “Oh wow good old whatsherface is in this too?” They just kept racking up, none of them improving on what should’ve died on even the most desperate exec’s office floor. It followed a 90s movie formula so archaic, Vanilla Ice would’ve furrowed his brow in disdain at it. No good loser with a heart of whatever precious metal floats your stupid little boat somehow inherits a large non-descript company from an eccentric rich dude who snubs his actual family in the process. Loser guy manages to run the company despite being a moron, is almost foiled, falls from grace, but returns in triumphant fashion, somehow along the way getting the girl who swore to never touch turds like him with ten foot poles.
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I couldn't even with this. Like no. Just no. That hair and then a chicken suit that looked like it was used to storm Normandy. |
I’m gonna spend two paragraphs, as per usual, going through the plot in intricate detail, despite already having a hard time boiling more broth off of it than the previous paragraph allows. But here we go. Basically Carrot Top is an inventor, with every invention obviously being not only mindnumbingly pointless and stupid, but also a waste of everybody’s time. He lives, and surfs, with two other guys, and they have a hard time making rent. Because idiots. Carrot (good lord) meets rich guy on the road, and fixes his broken down car. Rich Guy is so amazed at this, Carrot’s invention ideas, and their subsequent, and hilariously phony looking, surfing montage, that he bequeaths the stock majority in his company to Carrot and conveniently dies only days later, despite being both mentally and physically fit. Now obviously, Rich Guy’s nephew, who might be evil and douchey, and conspiring with a crazily misplaced Raquel Welch to do an evil takeover on his uncle’s company, but still seems to be at least somewhat competent, is none too happy about this turn of events. He vows to fuck up Carrot’s bid at company big wig.
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"I will kill again. Your wife. Your kids. Lock them up, or so help me..." |
Forgetting for a moment the sheer amount of disbelief suspending needed in order to comfortably accept Carrot Top as the stock majority holder of anything, and the fact that chairman of the board doesn’t equal CEO of the company in any way, we are treated to a Carrot Top who immediately makes crass and nearly devastating decisions for the company by embellishing the near defunct Research and Development department by cutting on wages. Strikes happen. A lot of other pointless and stupid shit unfolds, as Carrot Top hamfistedly attempts to correct his wrong while ensuring this company makes crazy profits. He does this by inventing a TV dinner with an actual TV in it that is somehow cheaper than previous TV dinners. If you are shaking your head in abject disbelief now, I can’t say I blame you. It’s just like they weren’t even fully conscious when writing this. It’s an immediate success, but then it fails when somebody claims he was turned green by this device. Things crumble, and Carrot is at his wit’s ends. He clears it up though, when he realizes Evil Nephew had put another Carrot Topian invention in the TV dinners, to foil the plan - Crazy Goo. Everything ends well!
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I wanted to expire when he showed up in this outfit. Those legs... Everything about this just gets under my skin. |
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He even managed to make killer bees unfunny. They are ALWAYS hilarious. You ruined killer bees for us, Carrot Dick. |
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I forgot what the fuck was going on here. I think perhaps he was making an ad for his TV dinner. I hate him. |
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A gag that involves him coming out of the shower, but the foam on his face kept changing. And then that grin, that makes Jack Nicholson's Joker scream with confusion. |
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